SoutheastCon Hardware Robotics Competition

Autonomous robot designed and built for IEEE student competition in Orlando, FL. Placed 4th out of 36 universities around the southeast.

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MIPS Architecture 32-bit processor (VHDL)

The processor designed had five basic stages based on MIPS architecture: instruction fetch, instruction memory, instruction execute, data memory, and write-back. The project was also pushed to the DE-10 Lite FPGA, computing the MIPS instructions: branch, branch equal/ not equal, immediate instructions, add and subtract, store and load word, and all logical expressions, etc.

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32-bit multiplier circuit (VHDL)

The optimized multiply circuit was built with four VHDL units, the product register, the thirty-two-bit adder, the control unit, and the multiplicand register.

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Milestone lab assignments for Embedded System Design

Labs for Embedded System Design Course used NUCLEO-L452RE STM32 MCU and libopencm3 (an open source hardware abstraction library). Embedded programming done in C.

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Electronic Dissection assignment from Embedded System Design

Electronic Dissection from Embedded System Design. Dissected indoor temperature and humidity sensor and documented design, BOM, etc.

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Defender (1981 Video Game) FPGA implementation (VHDL)

Project was written in VHDL using Quartus for the DE-10 Lite Development board. The board has a VGA connector and this was used for video output for the gameplay.

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Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Game designed using drag and drop logic schematic software. Boolean logic was designed and simplified using concepts from the Introduction to Digital Systems course.

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Audio Amplifier Circuit

Three stage (pre-amp, volume control, power amp) audio amplifier designed for EE Lab. Design used dynamic microphone as input and 8 ohm speaker as output.

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Morse Code Generator

Final design project for Microcomputer Systems was a Morse code generator. Input message with 16 button keypad and morse code was output through a piezo buzzer.

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